Student Solution


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Unit 8 Reading Responses

Unit 8 Reading Responses

Q Select any two of the following questions and create two critical, thoughtful responses. When crafting your responses, be sure to note the title of the pieces you’re discussing. Use in-text citations from the readings to support your point of view. 1. Find and explicate the core passage in The Moon Is Down that you feel reveals the central theme of the novel. 2. Is the theme of the novel valid only because the Allies happened to win the war? Are there weakness and dangers in relying on Steinbeck’s core idea that “free men prevail” in the novel? 3. If a soldier from _______________ who was (or is) in the _______________ War read The Moon is Down, discuss what you think his or her reaction/interpretation would be. If appropriate, consider this: Is reading this book now still “patriotic”? Explain. 4. Discuss Steinbeck’s portrayal of George Corell in the novel. What does Corell fail to understand about human psychology, and what is psychologically revealing about how the invaders perceive and feel about him? 5. How is Lanser presented as a character and how is his characterization crucial to Steinbeck’s design of the novel? 6. Review the characterization of the officers at the beginning of Chapter 2. How do these characterizations work in relation to Steinbeck’s overall psychological design? 7. How are the actions of Molly significant in the novel, and what do they reveal about human psychology and behavior?

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Lanser is presented as a negative character in the novel. There are choices made by Lanser which can be considered to be not his personal choices. This is because of the ways in which Lanser had to make choices like a soldier would have to make. There had not been control of Lanser over his actions, decisions and choices. There had been adjustment made by Lanser to be in the situation in which Lanser had been. There had been evil actions taken by Lanser to show selfishness.